














... Osim izjednačavanja oporezivanja zaposlenja na određeno vreme sa redovnim zaposlenjem, koje važi od 1994. godine (što je najverovatnije uticalo na povećanje zaposlenih kod privatnika - tabela br.1), nije uvedena nikakva druga mera za smanjenje sive ekonomije. Tako zemlja još uvek nema strategije za smanjenje sive ekonomije, jer se verovatno smatra da se tom vrstom aktivnosti ublažavaju socijalne tenzije i omogućava preživljavanje i onom delu stanovništva koji je ostao bez redovnih prihoda...

... Apart from equal taxing of occasional and regular employment implemented since 1994 (which probably contributed to the increase of the number of employed in the private sector - table no 1), no other measures have been introduced to suppress the grey economy. Thus the country still has no strategy for suppression of the grey economy, because it is probably believed that this kind of work alleviates social tensions and enables survival of those who have remained without regular income...

... Equal tax rates for casual and tenured employment were introduced in 1994 and have probably contributed to the increase in private sector employment seen in table 1. Apart from this, no measures have been introduced to suppress activity in the grey economy. The absence of any government strategy for such suppression probably indicates a belief that this kind of work relieves social tension and allows those who have no regular income to survive...

pozorišni komad


... Umiri moje nespokojno srce. Učini me krotkom poput iskušenica na misi. Pod ovom kožom koja je slepa, ljudskom rukom netaknuta, nemilosrdna poput zatvorskog čuvara, prebiva demon, neme želje, noću me budi, danju me čika, a ja ga grešna, užasno grešna, hranim u njegovoj nezasitoj gladi. Učini me nebeski hladnom, neosetljivom na sve što je ljudsko, i dalekom, učini me nemom poput kamena i mirnom kao vojnik na straži. Ugasi taj vreli oganj ljubavi koji plamti u mojim venama, da ne bih sama izgorela na njemu. Poštedi me bezumlja svake strasti, bezumlja ljubavi sa kojom živim i bezumlja mržnje čija me zamamnost demonski privlači...

... Calm my uneasy heart. Make me obedient like a novice during the mass. Under this skin which is blind, untouched by human hand, cruel like a jailor, dwells the demon, silent desires, he wakes me by night, he dares me by day, and I, sinful, terribly sinful, feed him in his insatiable hunger. Make me heavenly cold, unsusceptible to all that is human, and make me distant, make me as silent as the rock and as still as a soldier on guard. Quench this torrid flame of love that burns in my veins, lest I'm consumed in flames. Save me from madness of all passions, from the madness of love I've been living with and the madness of hatred that attracts me demonically...

... Calm my trembling heart. Render me tractable as a novice at Mass. Beneath this skin, this blind skin, untouched by human hand, this skin cruel as a gaoler, dwells the demon of silent desire. By night he wakes me, by day he tempts me and I, sinful, terribly sinful, feed his insatiable hunger. Render me cold as heaven, insusceptible to human temptations, make me remote, mute as the rock and still as a soldier on watch. Quench this torrid flame of love that sears through my veins lest I be consumed by it. Save me from the madness of all passions, the madness of the love I live in and the madness of hatred that tears at me like a demon...

reklamni materijal


LET VIŠE: Sa obavljenih deset letova u međunarodnom saobraćaju, u roku od 12 meseci od datuma prvog leta, stičete pravo na jednu besplatnu povratnu kartu u "Business Class-i", po Vašem izboru, ili mogućnost korišćenja drugih usluga u okviru delatnosti JAT-a. JAT-ov program "Let više" pruža Vam mogućnost da putujući tamo gde morate, darujete sebi jedno putovanje tamo gde želite. Programom "Let više" JAT Vam daje pravo na besplatno putovanje u "Business Class-i" na jednom od svojih letova.

AN EXTRA FLIGHT: With ten completed international flights over a period of twelve months from the date of the first flight, you become entitled to one free-of-charge Business Class return ticket to the destination of your choice, or the possibility to use other services within the activities of JAT. JAT's program "An Extra Flight" gives you the chance to travel where you want to go on the basis of travels you had to make. By its program "An Extra Flight", JAT gives you the right to get a free-of-charge travel in the Business Class to one of JAT's destinations.

ONE FLIGHT MORE: When you make ten international flights within twelve months, we will give you one free Business Class return ticket to the destination of your choice. If you prefer, this gift may be exchanged for other JAT services. JAT's 'One Flight More' gives you a special opportunity: travelling for business can win you travel for pleasure. JAT's 'One Flight More' program entitles you to free Business Class travel to any JAT destination.

književna kritika

literary criticism

... Za autorku, isto tako ne sumnjam, nije nikakva tajna da zaplet mora biti matematički precizan, da hronologija, koliko god prethodno izlomljena, mora da se uklapa kao mozaik, da likovi moraju zadovoljiti osnovnu meru ubedljivosti, da, kao deo žanrovskih imperativa, humor i/ili liricizam moraju da prekriju tvrde linije konstrukcije. Tek onda talentovani pisac može da se igra, pa čak i da znalački rasturi svoju konstrukciju, i ostavi čitaocu vrhunsko zadovoljstvo ponovnog sklapanja...

... For the author, I doubt not either, it is no secret that plot must be mathematically precise, that chronology, no matter how broken down, must fit in as a mosaic, that characters must fulfil a basic measure of credibility, that within the imperative of each genre humour and/or lyricism must cover the hard lines of construction. It is only then that a talented writer is allowed to play, and even to break his structure apart, leaving the supreme pleasure of reassembling the parts to his readers ...

... Nor do I think it is any secret to the author that the plot must have a mathematical precision, that chronology, no matter how deconstructed, must come together as a mosaic, that characters must be basically convincing and that, whatever the genre, it is imperative that the angular skeleton of construction be fleshed over with humour or lyricism. It is only when these conditions are met that a talented writer can play with the construction, even strategically jumbling it and leaving to the reader the sublime pleasure of fitting the pieces together again...


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