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2002-11-11, Aleksandar Milovanovic: visited your web site
Dragi Borute!
My name is Aleksandar Milovanovic and I live with my wife Branka in New York City. Thank you Borut for making and keeping your page open and open. Moja E-mail address - a is ruther criptic. I hope we have a chance to meet some time.
Best wishes Alex.
2002-07-29, Sasa: For guest book:
Hvala velika za sjajnu kolekciju.
Dragi Borute,da li je moguce citati Besnilo od B. Pekica na internetu?

Hvala Vam, s postovanjem
2002-03-30, Neda: cestitke za sajt
Dragi Borute,
Odlican ti je sajt!

2002-02-19, Richard Brooks: For guest book:
keep up the good work - very nice site!!!
Richard Brooks
Studio Manager
(c) Copyright 2003 by Borut Maričić borut.com
Created: 2003-06-16 Modified: 2003-06-16